The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Poster 21031.jpg
Chinese title 塞尔达传说-魔力面具-
Content ID 21031
Developer(s) Nintendo
Publisher(s) Nintendo
Release date Cancelled
Genre RPG
Mode(s) Single player
Game version(s) N/A
Manual version(s) N/A
Game Size N/A
Manual Size N/A

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Chinese name: 塞尔达传说-魔力面具-,literally "The Legend of Zelda: The Magical Mask") was planned for release on the iQue Player before the game was cancelled. The game was sent in for government approval at the same time with Paper Mario and Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Earth.[1]

Speculations for the game's cancellation

  • The game had "inappropriate contents", and was rejected by the government.

iQue@Home description

Older Version:



English Translation :

A rumor circulating in Clock Town is turning into reality: In 3 days, the moon will collide into the earth! Our young hero Link has to find a way to prevent the earth's ill fate within the remaining 72 hours. When Link discovered that the mastermind behind the scene is the Majora's mask, possessor of powerful evil magic, a quest against the clock to save the world has begun...



External links