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Released Games (14)

Title Chinese title Literal translation Release date Game CID Manual CID
Wave Race 64 水上摩托 Motorcycling on Water November 17, 2003 51011 51019
Star Fox 64 星际火狐 Interstellar Fire Fox November 17, 2003 41011 41019
Dr. Mario 64 马力欧医生 Dr. Mario November 17, 2003 61011 61019
Super Mario 64 神游马力欧 iQue Mario November 17, 2003 11011 11019
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 塞尔达传说-时光之笛- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time November 17, 2003 21011 21019
Mario Kart 64 马力欧卡丁车 Mario Kart December 25, 2003 52011 52019
F-Zero X F-Zero X 未来赛车 F-Zero X Future Racing February 25, 2004 52021 52029
Yoshi's Story 耀西故事 Yoshi Story March 25, 2004 11021 11029
Paper Mario 纸片马力欧 Paper Mario June 8, 2004 21021 21029
Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Earth 罪与罚-地球的继承者- Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Earth September 25, 2004 41021 41029
Excitebike 64 越野摩托 Off-road Motorcycling June 15, 2005 51021 51029
Super Smash Bros. 任天堂明星大乱斗 Nintendo Stars Great Melee November 15, 2005 12011 12019
Custom Robo 组合机器人 Combination Robot May 1, 2006 21051 N/A
Animal Crossing 动物森林 Animal Forest June 1, 2006 21041 N/A

Cancelled Games (2)

Title Chinese title Literal translation Planned release date Game CID Manual CID
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 塞尔达传说-魔力面具- The Legend of Zelda: The Magical Mask 2004/2005? 21031 (not on CDS) N/A
(Unknown Title) (Unknown Title) (Unknown Title) ???? 21061 N/A